I Does This For Free

What's up? Since you're here, I'm gonna go ahead and assume you know me and skip introductions. I've been claiming that I'll get a blog up for quite some time and it has finally happened. I hope you find what brought you here, or something you like. Be sure to leave feedback or whatever, because I'm self conscious. Remember though, you're welcome to disagree with my opinions and we can talk about it, but you gotta respect 'em, and I'll do the same with yours. They're opinions, mine are based on my experiences... you didn't have those. So, now that I've gotten all of that out of the way, take a look, take a read, leave a comment.

*Disclaimer: Any of the posts you see here do not reflect the opinions of anyone but the author unless otherwise noted.

I have to say this because my job makes me. Assuming, you know, that I'm employed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


#MatureMusic - because I'm over calling everything "old school" or "throwback".  Mature doesn't necessarily mean it's music for mature people, but that the song has grown up, or matured, and I still like it.

Because it's summer... and Wednesday... and I'm stuck in a cubicle for the forseeable future

Summertime In The LBC - The Dove Shack

Song really had me thinking black girls drove jeeps as a kid... I've never seen it.  But anyway

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